Child protection

The protection and welfare of children at the European School Munich is a top priority in our daily educational work. Every member of the school community shares this responsibility and is obligated by duty and by law to do everything necessary to prevent harm to students and to investigate any suspicion of danger. To this end, the school works in close and trusting cooperation with colleagues, parents and guardians, non-school institutions and - if necessary - with the authorities. The guidelines of the German (SGB VIII, §1, 8a and 8b; KKG §4) and Bavarian legislation (BayEUG Art. 31) as well as the guidelines of the Board of Governors of the European Schools (2007-D-441-en-5) apply.


If there is a suspicion that a child's well-being is at risk, the school is obligated to investigate. This is always done with the utmost seriousness, carefully and prudently and, depending on the circumstances, in close cooperation with the parents and the relevant specialists. The school's child protection officers are consulted and the procedure is documented. If suspicions are confirmed, if the measures taken by the school are not sufficient, or if there is an acute danger, the case is passed on to the responsible youth welfare office.

The child protection officers Sylvia Segerer, Christiaan Dekker and Hanna Mührl are specially trained professionals in this area. They are responsible for the entire school and work as a team.

You can contact the child protection officers via the web form.


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