After a dry spell of 1.5 years, the theatre group of the European School Munich finally gets to perform live again! The ESM's open theatre group, directed by Iris Krause, is showing its latest production, "What was left of the drama" ("Was vom Drama übrig blieb"), as part of the "HoodWood" OpenAir Cultural Festival, organised by Kulturbunt Neuperlach at the Theatron in the Ostpark.
The group has never been so cross-age: the youngest performer is from the P4 of the primary school, the oldest have already done their BAC at the ESM in 2019.
About the content:
The audience enters a post-apocalyptic world in a perhaps not too distant future, 42 years after the collapse of civilisation as we know it. A troop of artefact hunters roams the abandoned villages and towns in search of things from the old days. Their latest find: a large metal box. Inside, strange texts and strange clothes and objects. The old archivist, one of the last survivors from the time before the upheaval, can remember darkly: theatre. There used to be something. Acted out stories and all that. The captain wants to know exactly, and so fragments from ancient and not-quite-so-old drama texts are lifted out of the dust and brought back to life.
What's left of drama. A retrospective of 2500 years of theatre history and 5 years of BühnenWerk / ESM open-air theatre with excerpts from Antigone, The Robbers, Faust, A Midsummer Night's Dream and Lord of the Flies.
Pupils of the European School Munich perform as part of the HoodWood Festival by Kulturbunt Neuperlach at the Theatron in the Ostpark.
Wed, 30.6.21 / Thu, 01.07.21 / Fri, 02.07.21 at 6.30 pm
Sat, 03.07.21 / Sun, 04.07.21 at 5:00 pm
Admission 30 min before each performance, duration approx. 75 min.
Admission is free. Reservations are strongly recommended, as the number of spectators is limited, and are only possible this time at On the homepage, scroll down and select the desired day.
Director: Iris Krause
Set design: Marc Alexander Haas, Iris Krause, ZASTA artists' group, Lars Altemann
Assistance: Laura Maicas Vanata