Painting campaign for climate protection

| News Höhere Schule

Larger-than-life faces in different shades of blue look at you from the wall. They are young faces, a diverse mixture of different people from all over the world. What they all have in common is that they look quite serious. Below them a slogan is seen: Save our Future - Act Now!

Pupils of the European School Munich took part in the painting action "The Writing's on the Wall" initiated by the Conseil Supérieur des Elèves (CoSup), the pupils' representation of the European Schools. As in other European Schools, there is now a mural in Munich. The pupils want to remind people of the urgency of finding solutions to climate change.

The motif is meant to recall the painting "The Right to Know" by Norman Rockwell from 1968. At the time, the design was inspired by the young generation's concern about the Vietnam War and civil rights. The ESM students' mural does not explicitly address the issue of climate protection, but it should be understood in the context of similar paintings at other European schools. Each school developed its own motif from the underlying idea. The ESM pupils had previously voted on the colour and slogan of their painting.

The project was supported by art teacher Gaëlle Liedts and Sustainable Development Coordinator Pierre Meyssignac. Sustainable development is an important topic for the European School Munich, which is why it likes to create opportunities for pupils to get involved in Eco Clubs, among other things, or to express themselves artistically, as happened here. Anyone who wants to see the painting in person can see it at the gymnasiums of the secondary school at the Neuperlach site.


Further information:

Sustainable development at the European School Munich

Article by the Climate Academy on the topic in the CoSup's school newspaper „13 Stars“ (EN)

The Right to Know by Norman Rockwell on Google Arts & Culture