School trips are held once or twice in a school year in both the Primary School and the Secondary School.
Primary School

School outings and trips have a quite specific educational, didactic and social value. They are school activities. They must therefore have a clear connection with the social, pedagogical and/or didactic objectives of teaching and be prepared and followed up in classroom activities. As far as possible they should be European in nature and should be organised across the different language sections in a school. (source: "Guidelines for school outings and trips organised by the nursery and primary departments of the European Schools").
The information about travel destinations, participating classes and accompanying teachers for school year 2012/13 are being updated and will be available very soon.
Höhere Schule
Secondary School

The class/study trips are an integral part of the global learning and educational work of the ESM. They are the bound to the fundamentals of the European School: freedom, quality, respect, tolerance, solidarity.
The 6th Year journeys are study trips. They serve solely to educate, practise social competences and the acquisition of new and valuable experiences. They are not vocational trips but should rather offer a challenging and versatile programme.
On these class/study trips the pupils are offered the opportunity to spend a couple of days with their teachers and fellow students from other classes. This allows them to get to know each other and their teachers in different situations and roles outside of normal school life.
Class/study trips serve to encourage personal development and the strengthening of self confidence. The youngsters should learn how to resist peer pressure and how to take responsibility for the any decisions taken. (source: "Internal Rules: School and Class Trips")