After a long preparation, the school garden of the European School Munich’s Primary School was completed at the end of the last school year. Right after the start of the current school year, some hard-working teachers and caretakers rolled up their sleeves and got to work: weeding! During the warm and rainy summer months, weeds were able to grow vigorously.
It took several hours of work to remove the forest of weeds. Now all Primary School classes get their own garden plot. They can cultivate it together with partner classes from other language sections.
As part of the European School Munich's commitment to sustainable development, the school garden is an interdisciplinary project. Here, the school children learn through their own experience and practical action how plants grow and change in the annual cycle and what is needed to produce food. Through the care and cultivation of the school garden, the children not only gain cross-curricular skills, they are also encouraged to develop a love of gardening along the way.
The European School Munich would like to sincerely thank all the helpers. The school wishes all those involved, and of course especially the pupils, successful gardening and a rich harvest in the coming year.