Children with colourfully decorated school cones excitedly slide back and forth on the benches. Among the most popular motifs on the school cones are - often artistically self-crafted - dinosaurs, Lego figures, princesses. Some of them seem to be almost as big as the schoolchildren who go with them. Quickly the last souvenir photos with parents and siblings are shot, then it's time to go.
In the second year of the pandemic, the enrolment ceremony of the European School Munich takes place under special conditions. Everyone wears a mask and comes in shifts for the individual groups one after the other instead of all together. However, this does not diminish the tense curiosity among the abecedarians one bit. Many of the children already know the Primary School from visits last year when they were still Kindergarten children. But now it's time for the real thing, the beginning of a new phase in their lives.
ESM Primary School headmaster Alexia Giannakopoulou first welcomed the children, then she addressed their parents. The European School Munich is not only interested in a good education that helps develop the children's full potential, but also in a good relationship of trust between parents and teachers. Especially during the pandemic, this is an important support for the pupils. After the directors’ speech, the children could finally meet their class teachers. They did not come alone, but brought support. Class mascots like Karla Koala or the ventriloquist puppet Ole not only take away the children's fears during the transition to school life, they accompany them through their Primary School years. After this friendly first contact during the small ceremony, nobody had to be nervous or shy anymore. The pupils then bravely made their way to the classroom without their parents. After a short break for airing out, the next group of children already arrived to start their unforgettable first day at school. The European School Munich wishes its first-year pupils a wonderful time at school!