Bread tastes so different in Europe

| News Kindergarten

In recent weeks, bread has been the focus of the work of the kindergarten at the European School Munich. All groups dealt with the topic "From grain to bread". The children got to know different types of grain and how flour is ground from the grain. The French group visited a mill, the other groups ground by hand.

What do you need to bake bread? What are the ingredients for the dough? The children learned that the basic ingredients are water and yeast in addition to flour, and that there are different types of flour, such as rye, wheat and spelt. But bread is not just bread. There are also different types of bread in different European countries.

The theory was followed by practice: the children measured, weighed, kneaded and formed the dough until the bread was finally put into the oven. On 9 May, after singing together, the Europe Day buffet opened in the garden. This showed how bread can taste in many ways, because of course there were different European breads to eat.

The kindergarten served, among others, ciabatta from Italy, crispbread from Sweden, sandwiches from England, baguette from France, barra de pan from Spain, rye bread from Germany and many, many varieties more from many European countries - a great conclusion to the theme.

The Kindergarten team of the European School Munich would like to thank all parents for their active support.