Art education in the Primary School is given a high priority in the system of European schools. The importance of the subject is emphasised in the syllabus and explained as follows: "Creative arts (...) is an integral part of the overall development of children (social, cultural and cognitive) and (plays an important role) in their personal development". In the general objectives it is stated: "In this context, art education enhances the child's creativity, personal expression and ability to criticise". (Working paper of the Commission Staff "Schools for the 21st century, Brussels, 2007)
In the Primary School's art classes, children experiment with different techniques and diverse materials. They are encouraged to create compositions with colours and shapes and to learn in an age-appropriate manner how to organise their work environment.
By visiting museums and exhibitions and by participating in cross-sectional cultural projects, children are introduced to works of art and well-known artists. Art exhibitions of pupils' works of art, for instance of those that are developed as part of cross-sectional school project, are held regularly.
Aesthetic education is promoted by the perception, realisation and interpretation of the environment and also enables the children to give expression to their inner world of feelings.
By guiding and encouraging creative processes, the class and subject teachers provide active support in helping the children to develop their creative skills further. Creative Arts allows pupils to learn about various forms of communication and expression and explore them further.
Dramatic expression skills also belong to the field of art and are actively promoted by rehearsing theatre plays and staging them as part of different projects. By going to the cinema, by analysing television programmes and films and by producing short films, audio-visual expression skills are developed further. In this context, the children work with photos or cartoons.
Media education that intensifies according to age aims to promote media competence. The children learn to correctly describe various media, to understand different kinds of media texts, and to relate photos, drawings or cartoon characters in an artistic manner.
Creative Arts Special
In art workshops, art professionals or artists introduce both teachers and pupils to the use of new techniques, special materials and different tools, thus supporting them in further developing their skills. Props and backdrops for theatre performances and other events are produced by the pupils themselves under the guidance of experts and in collaboration with class teachers.