Children in the Primary School engage in a wide range of music making activities: singing, chanting, clapping games, dancing, playing tuned and un-tuned percussion and performing on stage. All children love responding to music and rhythm, and in the European Schools they listen and respond to a wide range of stimuli and musical styles from their own and other cultures. Pupils are encouraged to express their ideas through dance and creative movement. They learn to listen attentively and determine the musical elements of pitch, tempo and dynamics. During practical activities they learn to explore sounds, make musical patterns and create musical stories using sound effects.
Pupils' development in music-making and performing, listening and responding and composing takes place through a planned progression from Kindergarten to year 5 and has widespread effects. Participation in musical education in both large and small groups gives children confidence, develops their concentration, teaches them to listen critically and enables them to appraise their own skills and those of their classmates, to name but a few.
Many class teachers are responsible for the musical education of their pupils and are able to incorporate music into a range of other curricular areas, especially "Discovery of the World" and PE. Music specialists are also employed and liaise closely with class teachers, offering advice and expertise and sharing their skills. Children and staff also benefit from workshops held by visiting specialists in African and Caribbean drumming.
The Primary School pupils can access a range of drums, Orff instruments, boom whackers and small percussion instruments, as well as bells and juggling scarves.
The European aspect of life at the ESM is enhanced through music, as pupils from all European nations share their musical culture during festivals and celebrations, which are recognised throughout the school year. European Hours too, are a special feature of our system and many musical activities are offered. These include choir, orchestra, recorder group, percussion group and dance as options for 4th and 5th year children, and general music, instrument making and singing for the 3rd year pupils.