Here you can find documents or downloads that concern the Secondary School. Area-specific documents or downloads can be found in each area.

To make an appointment with the subject teacher of your child, please use the contact email addresses that can be found on SMS.

The 2024-25 book lists will be published in mid-May.

School year 2024/2025

Parents are requested to purchase textbooks and calculators for their children. Every year, the book lists for the new school year are made available on the website from May.

IMPORTANT: If there is no information for certain subjects (e.g. Chemistry or Physic) this means that the teachers will provide students with the necessary learning material.

Each student has to consult at least two books lists: the list of the specific year in the corresponding "language section" and the list of the specific year in the corresponding category "vehicular language".

The category "vehicular language" includes books for grammar (language II, Language III, Language IV, Language V) as well as for the other subjects that are taught in different languages ​​(geography, history, ICT, art, music, etc. ) are listed.

For students without a language section the list "SWALS" must be considered in addition.

Please always refer to the most updated version!

Area-Specific Documents