The syllabi in all language sections are - with the exception of mother tongue - identical and the same standards of attainment are required of all. All programmes of study in the different sections lead to the same examination: the European Baccalaureate. Once formulated, the syllabi are officially promulgated by the Board of Governors of the European Schools, which must approve any amendments.
In the Primary School emphasis is placed on mother tongue, mathematics and the first foreign language, but art, music, physical education, environmental studies and religion/ethics are also important, as are "European Hours", when children of different nationalities meet and participate in a variety of activities.
Approved by the Board of Governors of the European Schools in Brussels on the 30th and 31st January 2007. This is a model timetable of the Primary School classes.
Years 1 and 2:
- Mother tongue: 8 hours
- Mathematics : 4 hours
- Language II : 2 hours 30 minutes
- Irish/Maltese/Finnish/Swedish: (2 hours 30 minutes)
- Music/Art/Physical Education: 5 hours
- Exploring the World: 1 hour 30 minutes
- European Hours: -
- Religion/Ethics: 1 hour
- Recreation: 3 hours 30 minutes
- Total number of periods per week: 25 hours 30 minutes
Years 3 - 5:
- Mother tongue: 6 hours 45 minutes
- Mathematics : 5 hours 15 minutes
- Language II : 3 hours 45 minutes
- Irish/Maltese/Finnish/Swedish: (3 hours 45 minutes)
- Music/Art/Physical Education: 3 hours
- Exploring the World: 3 hours
- European Hours: 1 hour 30 minutes
- Religion/Ethics: 1 hour 30 minutes
- Recreation: 2 hours 30 minutes
- Total number of periods per week: 27 hours 15 minutes
The art, music, physical education classes are designed to be flexible:
Years 1 and 2: sports (2 hrs), art (2 hrs), music (1 hr).
Total number of hours: 5
Years 3, 4 and 5: sports (1.5 hrs), Art (45 mins), music (45 mins).
Total Number of Hours: 3
- The amount of teaching time per week of each subject is shown in hours and no longer in periods.
- A total amount of time is allocated to music, art and physical education in order to create more flexibility. Schools can decide to focus on certain subjects in consecutive periods. Nevertheless, weekly sports lessons should be assured for each class.
- The teaching content of the different subjects is defined by each syllabus, however, where possible a more cross curricular approach should be realised.
- Music, art and physical education could be taught in multilingual groups. The expertise of specialist class teachers or of subject teachers, especially in the field of music, art and physical education should be used within and across the sections.
- The schools have responsibility for organising the timetable in a way that a minimum time loss is guaranteed and a balanced teaching of all subjects can be assured.