Our primary school was visited by blind people and people in wheelchairs

| News Grundschule

In keeping with our EDW theme "The Eye" we were visited by blind people and people in wheelchairs. At the beginning of the morning, we asked the guests our first questions about their everyday lives. Afterwards, we checked our school building together for obstacles using canes and glasses that simulated visual impairment. Equipped with a class set of wheelchairs, we then tackled a parkour in the sports hall. We were surprised how strenuous wheelchair driving can be for the arms and how concentrated you have to be every minute. Simulated sloping sidewalks and high kerbs made us sweat. We realized how difficult it must be for people in wheelchairs in Munich's subway stations.

Even after the exercises, the team from "Auf Herz und Rampen prüfen" took plenty of time to answer all our other questions, such as: Can blind people actually cry? Can you go to the swimming pool as a disabled person? Can you touch a blind person on the subway because you want to help them without speaking to them first? After all, you mean well. Can a blind person really not see anything? How do you cook when you're in a wheelchair?

The visit opened our hearts and minds to people with disabilities, because every one of us has a disability. Sometimes more obviously than others. It is important to be able to deal with these impairments without inhibitions in our society.

Many thanks to the people from "Auf Herz und Rampen prüfen" for their commitment! We will never forget this day.